Zimska vožnja – da li bilo gde grešite?

Winter driving – are you doing it wrong?

Driving in winter conditions can be challenging, but with proper preparation and adherence to safe driving advice, you can ensure safety for yourself and others on the road. In this text, we’ve listed several recommendations to follow during winter driving.

  • Reduce speed when approaching overpasses and covered highway sections.Covered highway sections, such as overpasses, can remain icy for longer. Adjust your speed at a safe distance before reaching them.
  • Reduce your speed when you see a curve ahead and try to maintain it consistently to keep control of the vehicle.
  • Avoid using “Cruise control“ in winter conditions.If your vehicle starts to skid, the “Cruise control“ system will continue accelerating, reducing your ability to maintain control.
  • Familiarize yourself with your vehicle’s braking system and test how your brakes react in snow and ice conditions. If you start to skid, release the brake pedal and avoid turning the steering wheel excessively - keep your desired direction.
  • Fog lights can be helpful in snowy weather, but their effectiveness depends on their position. Test them to see if they provide any benefit.

Remember, safety on the road is a priority, and following these tips can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and discomfort during the winter months. Safe travels!

Mreza servisa

TotalEnergies Service Network

Quartz Auto Service is a global project at TotalEnergies created with the aim to
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