How NOT to use cruise control

Just imagine – an open road, stunning landscapes, relaxing musing and a car that glides forward almost effortlessly. You just enjoy yourself and lightly steer in the desired direction. What’s more, you are pleased by the fact that a constant speed maintains fuel economy and that there is no way you can get a speeding ticket. You got it! These are all advantages of driving with cruise control ON.

However, if not done the right way, driving with cruise control can put you into great danger. This short video tutorial talks about the actions and situations that you should avoid, whether your cruise control system is classic or adaptive.


Although useful, auto-assistants cannot replace the driver entirely, so they are to be used sensibly. We recommend that you get to know all of them when you choose your options package.

What do all those abbreviations like ABS, ESP, DBC, PA etc. mean?

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