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What to do if you lose your driver’s license?

Are you familiar with the feeling of discomfort is when you realize that you’ve lost a personal document – in this case, your driver’s license? It is the moment when you slap your forehead with your hand and exclaim helplessly “nooooo”, while the bureaucratic challenges you will have to face as you apply for a new driver’s license are going through your head.

If you don’t carry your driver’s licence with you, a police officer has the right to have you excluded from traffic.

Bureaucracy is no man’s hobby, but if you’re well prepared for it, at least you’ll be able to avoid the famous YOPS (You’re One Paper Short) scenario. That is why we’re here…

What Is a Driver’s License and Why Do You Need One?

Owning a driver’s license is a proof that you’ve mastered your driving skills, but it doesn’t mean that you know how to react in stressful situations caused by irresponsible drivers.

Did you know that a correct driving position is one of the essential preconditions for an adequate reaction in unexpeced situations?


We assume that most of you are familiar with the concept of a driver’s license, but as the older and wiser have been saying for centuries – you’re better off with more (in this case, information) than less. So, a driver’s license is a fundamental document which is received upon the passing of a driving test, thanks to which we earn the right to operate a specific motor vehicle category.

According to the local Law on Road and Traffic Safety, if it’s your first time to apply for a driver’s license, you may obtain a permit to operate an automobile at 17 years of age, but keep in mind that this is only a provisional driving license that will be valid until you are 21. Until then, this license bears certain limitations defined by law that have to be respected.

This obliges us to be in possession of a driver’s license when driving, so that we can present it to authorized persons (traffic police) who are in charge of road traffic control.

Where to Report a Missing Driver’s License?

Driver’s licenses are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, which is why, in order to obtain a new driver’s license, you need to contact your municipal police department. Remember, a new driver’s license is issued upon the driver’s request exclusively!

So, if you lose your driver’s license, the first thing you have to do is report that it’s missing to the local police department, and then you also have to file a request for a new driver’s license.

What Do You Need in Order to Obtain a New Driver’s License?

After you report that your driver’s license is missing and after you file a request for a new one, you need to submit:

  • a statement containing the reasons and circumstances behind your need for a new driver’s license;
  • a valid identity card;
  • a proof that the expenses of making a new driver’s license, which currently amount to 255,00 RSD, have been paid;
  • a proof that the expenses of issuing a new driver’s license, which currently amount to 621,00 RSD, have been paid;
  • a proof that the republic administrative tax, which currently amounts to 1.260,00 RSD, has been paid.

You can always check the fees for the aforementioned points on The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia’s website. A proof of payment includes deposit slip originals, and what’s convenient is that you can make payments on the spot, that is, at the police department. However, if you make the payment using online banking and you plan to submit a printed bank warrant as proof, bear in mind that it probably won’t be accepted without an official stamp and signature which can be obtained in a bank branch.

How Long Before You Get a New Driver’s License?

From the moment you submit all the necessary documents, your new driver’s license should be good to go within 7 to 10 days. The good news is that, while you’re waiting for your new driver’s license to arrive, you can drive your ride with a confirmation from The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which you receive upon submitting the above-mentioned documents.

While you are waiting for a new driver’s license, you can show your confirmation to the police officer in charge of traffic control.

Did You Know…?

In order to wrap this up in style, we’ve decided to share with you some interesting facts regarding the history of the driver’s license…

The first driver’s license was issued back in 1888 to a German auto engineer by the name of Karl Friedrich Benz. We’re willing to bet that, even if you haven’t heard of him, the Benz part must seem very familiar to you.

Most of the European countries started issuing driver’s licenses at the beginning of the 20-th century.

The compulsory ownership of a driver’s license was first introduced in Prussia, Massachusetts and Missouri in 1903, with the United Kingdom following in their footsteps soon, on January 1, 1904. What’s particularly interesting about that period of time is that the maximum speed limits, even when it came to long distances, were just a few tens of km/h. Just imagine driving from Subotica to Vranje at a speed of 30 km/h…You would get to know Serbia pretty well, wouldn’t you?

Prussia is also to give credit to for making driving tests compulsory, starting in 1910 and resulting in driving tests becoming a must in other countries as well.

In 1909, the Convention with Respect to the International Circulation of Motor Vehicles came to life, as a result of recognizing the need for the development of international motor traffic. In 1929, the international driver’s license provision was added to the Convention, thanks to which we are now able to drive around the world – of course, when our finances allow us.

We hope that you’ve found this content useful, but we also hope that you’ll never need it. Still, you’re better off not needing it, but having it, than being in need of it, but not having it available. Should you have any questions, but also suggestions, regarding the topics we cover and the ones you’re interested in, feel free to contact us.