On the Road to Children's Safety in Traffic (2018)
This year as well, Total Serbia continues with the socially responsible campaign “On the Road to Children’s Safety in Traffic” which involves over 5.500 first and second grade primary school students. In cooperation with experienced educators and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development, educational classes will be carried out in 54 primary schools on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. This year, the project is also supported by Hutchinson, member of Total Group, which has been present in Serbia since 2016 through a production facility in Ruma, with the aim to contribute to better safety in traffic in this municipality.

Using illustrations, traffic sign props, question cards that encourage discussion and a tablet game “On the Road to Safety”, specially developed for the purpose of this campaign, the essence of this particular education is not to scare the youngest traffic participants by listing potential dangers, but to motivate them to understand and internalize the rules of behaving safely in traffic in a fun and playful way.

Conclusions drawn from the previous year and educators’ feedback have greatly contributed to the improvement of this year’s program, with special attention paid to situations that, in most cases, confuse the children - like crossing the street between parked cars, playing near traffic and crossing the street when there is a conditional traffic light for drivers.

An important recognition for the campaign “On the Road to Children’s Safety in Traffic” was received from the French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, which awarded Total Serbia with the Grand Prix 2018 award for socially responsible business. The campaign is part of the global initiative “Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020” and Total is committed to contributing to the safety in traffic, especially when it comes to the education of the youngest who belong to the most vulnerable category of traffic participants.