What you need to know about your car's air conditioning
Our advice is to check your car's air conditioning system in order to have enough time in case you need to intervene.
Protect your car from sun
To ensure a more pleasant temperature inside the cabin, start by protecting your car from direct sunlight while it’s still parked. Use protective foils, persiennes and wraps to prevent the air inside the cabin from becoming hot. This will help cool down the interior faster once you turn on the air conditioning.
Cool the car the right way
The best way to cool the car is to do it gradually. After you start the car, lower the windows turn on the air conditioning and set it to draw in the air from outside. Set the temperature to minimum and the fan to the highest speed. Direct the air towards the windows. This is the fastest way to get rid of hot air.
Use the air conditioning properly while driving
After the air inside the cabin has changed, close the windows and set the air conditioning to recirculate the air. This way, the air conditioning can more easily cool down the partially cooled air inside, which is preferable to drawing in hot air from outside. Reduce the fan speed and direct the airflow toward feet and the windshield to avoid a direct blast of cold air to your face, which could be detrimental to your health. It’s crucial to set the temperature approximately 5 - 6°C lower than the outside temperature to prevent a shock to your system when you exit the vehicle.
There’s another important reason to use ventilation after turning off the air conditioning. During air conditioning operation, moisture accumulates in the evaporator, creating an environment conducive to the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that can be harmful to your health. Ventilation helps dry out the evaporator and significantly slows down their development. If you notice an unpleasant odor, it’s likely due to accumulated bacteria, and you should consider disinfecting the air conditioning system.
Another important advice is not to turn on the air conditioning when the engine is cold or when you’re moving very slowly. If you can’t bear the heat, set the airflow to a minimum. During short trips, the evaporator doesn’t have enough time to dry out, so we recommend avoiding the use of the air conditioning in such situations.
How often should you have your air conditioning serviced?
With proper use and regular maintenance, the air conditioning system should serve you as long as the car itself. The vehicle manufacturer typically specifies a service interval for replacing the cabin air filter, which is usually done every 10,000 to 15,000 kilometers or every two years. To be sure, check your service manual or consult an authorized service center. It’s essential that a qualified technician performs the air conditioning service, as improper filter replacement or system recharging can negatively impact your health. Also, keep in mind that regular maintenance is more cost-effective than repairs or installing a new system.
Our advice is that if you notice any irregularities on the car, contact one of our partner services from the TotalEnergies Workshop Concept.

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Maintaining your car's A/C