Dragojlovic, Valjevo: TotalEnergies Service Network
Dragojlovic, Valjevo
At the address Ljubinka Marica 10 in Valjevo, there is a car service "Dragojlovic" which has been operative as a family business for many years. In addition to mechanical services, such as interim and full service, replacement of all oils and fluids in the vehicle, repair of brakes, filling hydropneumatic suspension spheres, or servicing of suspensions, they also offer computer diagnostics, car electrics, A/C service and maintenance, as well as preparing vehicles for technical inspection.
Additionally, the service can perform deep seat washing, headlight polishing, and there is also a wide range of original used and spare parts.
At the beginning of 2021, the service "Dragojlovic" becomes part of the TotalEnergies network, when it receives a new visual identity, with recognizable features of the TotalEnergies concept. In addition to the support provided by TotalEnergies in the form of original products - oils and fluids for vehicles of all categories, the service "Dragojlovic" gets the opportunity to participate in promotional activities organized by TotalEnergies within the TotalEnergies network, and its employees the opportunity for further training in the automotive industry.
In the image gallery below, you can see what the service "Dragojlovic" looks like before and after joining the TotalEnergies network.
As a service that uses quality spare parts, is dedicated to solving the problems of each client, provides fast and efficient services, follows trends and constantly invests in equipment, as well as in the knowledge and skills of its team, the service "Dragojlovic" has been enjoying the reputation and trust of its customers for almost two decades.

Besides their love and passion for, above all, French vehicles, the service "Dragojlovic", as well as TotalEnergies, nurtures the philosophy that quality service, transparency in communication and work, as well as the satisfaction of end users are the main goal in business. Therefore, we entered into a partnership to the mutual satisfaction, in order to provide our clients with professional service and access to proven and reliable products from the TotalEnergies brand range.