Auto-servis Pozega, Pozega
At the address Knjaza Milosa 135g in Pozega, there is a car service of the same name as the city, formerly known as "For delovi". The business started in 2015 with selling used spare car parts, and two years later the mechanic workshop was opened.
Today, "Auto-servis Pozega" provides standard services in the field of mechanics and electricity, overhaul of diesel systems (Bosch), bodywork repairment, procurement of spare parts, DP filters cleaning, air conditioner repair and maintenance, window replacement, wheel alignment, exhaust system repair and maintenance, as well as travel assistance.
After entering into cooperation with TotalEnergies in 2021, the service received new visual features typical for our service network, support in terms of original products from our range, the possibility of professional development for employees, as well as promotion through various activities within the network.
The picture gallery below reveals the appearance of the service after joining the TotalEnergies service concept.
Through dedicated work, commitment, following trends in the automotive industry, continuous learning and skill upgrade, "Auto-servis Pozega" was quick to build trust and reputation among fellow citizens and customers.
Having recognized the values and potential for joint development and progress, TotalEnergies entered into a partnership with "Auto-servis Pozega" in order to provide end users with access to reliable products of the TotalEnergies brand, as well as fast and efficient high-quality service.