On The Road To Children’s Safety In Traffic (2017)
CSR project in primary schools in Palilula municipality of the city of Belgrade

School children belong to one of the most vulnerable categories when it comes to safety in traffic. This is exactly why education of youngsters of early school age exposed to such dangers worldwide became one of the priorities of the Total Group. In cooperation with experts from the field of education and traffic safety, Total developed the project “On the road to safety” in 2012 with the aim to raise awareness of the importance of behaving safely in traffic.

In 2017 the project was implemented in Serbia for the first time in 17 primary schools in Palilula municipality of the city of Belgrade. The project was approved by the Secretariat for Education and Children’s Welfare and supported by Palilula municipality. Through visual demonstration, question cards, interaction with the Total robot mascot and a fun and educational tablet game “On the road to safety” specially developed for this project, the children of first and second grade had the opportunity to grasp and internalize the basic rules of behaving safely in traffic such as crossing the street by paying attention to the basic traffic signalization, avoiding walking on the bike lane, choosing a place to play outside of the traffic area, avoiding crossing the street between parked cars etc.

- For more information about the continuation of the project in 2018 please click here.